Once you've done all of that, you'll need to clear out the first floor of enemies before Meg arrives. There you'll need to talk to Rose and do some quests for her involving the retrieval of a statue and setting up a communication tower. You'll need to head to the Top Of The World, which is in the Savage Divide. The Raider leader, Meg, is a bit more difficult to convince. Upon giving him a report, you'll be able to convince him of the need to vaccinate his people against the Scorch. The settlers are the simpler faction to meet as all you need to do is head to their settlement, talk to Paige, then go and check on the status of the camp dispatched to the south. She'll ask you to make contact with two factions: the raiders and the settlers. This is related to one of the story quests in Fallout 76, so complete that then come back for a briefing. Head there and inside you'll be reunited with the Overseer who asks about inoculation. It's not too far from the newly raised settlement just south of the Vault.

You'll get a transmission on your radio from the Overseer asking those from Vault 76 to meet her at her house. You will need to be approximately level 20 to really get this quest started. Those looking for a beginner's guide to get started with the base game should have a look at our Fallout 76 guide. Note that this guide will be going over the new factions in the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update exclusively. This Fallout 76 factions guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Raiders and the Settlers, such as how to improve your standing with them. Manage cookie settings Fallout 76 factions guide To see this content please enable targeting cookies. We'll go over everything we know about both of them here. Most are just regular guys and gals trying to make a living, but there are some that have banded together into factions: raiders and settlers. New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.In Fallout 76's Wasterlanders update, we finally got to see actual living people return to the region. The only other thread I found with this issue said it was fixed in 2.0.įalloutNV.esm=1Īdvanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp=1 Just thought I'd pass it along, just in case. It's probably some holdout from one of my other mods, but darned if I can figure out which.

They're carrying the changed weapons and appropriate ammo for them the old ammo is in addition.

I keep running across these when I loot raiders.