KOTOR2 was developed by Obsidian and published by LucasArts back in the day, but the Steam release, which came out in 2012 and is one of the best $10 games you'll ever buy, is being handled by Aspyr.

Fixed a crash connected to the M4-78 mod.

Changed the behavior of the Light/Dark Side point achievements.Fixed an issue with alternate dialog not appearing after multiple play-throughs.Fixed a shader issue causing NPC droid eyes to not be illuminated.Fixed an issue with Kreia not disappearing properly on Korriban.Fixed an issue with the controller menu appearing on top of dialog screens.Fixed a crash when adding more than five mods.Fixed an issue with Pet Rock achievement not unlocking in TSLRCM.Added 20 user-generated achievements (see pinned thread for details).But it nonetheless makes some big changes to the game, as detailed on Steam: This patch isn't as extensive as the one from July, mainly because the previous patch covered so much ground.